"Private schools are elitist." Do you think a statement is true? Actually there's some truth. But when you examine in detail, you realize that there's much more to it.
Single-sex schools are fewer today because Coeducation firmly established in our country for over a decade. Single-gender education has a delightful way of encouraging children to be fearless and enthusiastic. Girls do experience major problems in school. Abuse accusations from hundreds of children at private schools are prompting growing calls from parents and rights groups for a full-scale investigation.
Middle school is perhaps one of the toughest time periods of growing up. It is the awkward transition from child to teen, when big changes and added responsibilities come into play. For many middle school students, it is their social network that matters most.
Some of the stories I am hearing are as chilling as they are heart-wrenching. I have had several telephone from Mrs. Ishrat Masroor, mother, who is deeply hurt after acid throwing at her daughter at school premises, located in posh area of Lahore called Gulberg 3, Firdous Market. “One morning I received call from vice principal Javed to reach school. There I found my daughter was crying having burn marks on chin and neck. She told her class fellow threw liquid via used syringe. She splashed water but black bubbles appeared on skin. Javed took her to doctor and get fake report stating just infection due to water. We approached another doctor who revealed its acid. We asked for the doctor report, Javed refused and get mad on us that it’s not a serious issue, if not acceptable then leave the school. When inquired found that teacher asked to bring syringe to have some fun in class. This matter of great negligence reflects teachers have zero control over students and we can’t declare that school is providing safe environment for children. I would like to ask why always the complainant has to quit “she narrated.
I conducted interviews with girls and parents, and left me weak at the knees. None of them could look me in the eyes as they spoke tentatively about their experiences.
Another mother was sinking because has lost her ability to speak the truth. Finally, wishing anonymity revealed about the same school, “I left numb on getting complaint from her daughter that male teachers teaching in locked class rooms. And when one of the staff member, happened to be my friend told that Javed used to say that couple of staff members are hurdle between him and young female teachers I removed my daughter to another private institution. But what's more important is I don't want my daughter to feel improper while talking with her male teacher. That might influence her badly at an age where children are impressionable. But striking is this becoming culture of a girls' school that has caused the parents to be on high alert about male teacher presence”.
Girls tried to raise the issue of unnecessary attention by male teachers to the spoilt girls and bullying the complainant. They resented the behaviour of male teachers and expressed their discomfiture but principal is a chip of same block. They initially were hesitant to narrate their plight about bullying which continued for many months unnoticed. Fear of abusive teachers and mistrust of other staff turn a blind eye prevents pupils from reporting incidents. On the contrary administration warned don’t poke their nose otherwise be ready to face consequences like expulsion. School management must intervene effectively to reduce bullying by developing a safe and supportive school climate to solve bully victim problems it is regrettably that vice principal (Javed) backing immoral acts. Sorry state is parents left with the only option to leave the school because no action was taken against the guilty and cloaked Javed as good teacher.
One of my own family members also experienced the trauma of ill-treatment by the management at the same private girl school. She told “My daughters admitted couple of months back. Since then they has been complained about ''Immoral behavior” of students. Once told the Vice Principal gave his mobile to the eager girls to go of school. Spoilt girls intimidated others if exposed them Javed will expel them. I advised to pay attention to studies. One day gauging anxiety I asked. Though reluctant to tell due to the fear that girls will retaliate on revealing. Finally revealed one group of class fellows always talks inappropriate like they has boy friends, she is in love with fifth class kid, and compel let’s make attempt to smoke for experimentation and so on.”
“I finally brought to the notice of one of the parent, to amend ways of your ward. Next day girls bullied my daughters. The noteworthy is teachers standing there also never missed a chance to tease them because they exposed. When I reached the school the girls misbehaved that how I dared to launch complain to their parents and it’s none of my business that they has boy friends, smokes or drinks. Standing there Javed and rest of female teachers was silent spectators. I reported to Principal Afshan Akmal and teacher Majida, but their attitude left me numb and taught me children are enjoying modern life. It’s not end of story. On returning home the foul mouthed Javed on phone warned if we can’t tolerate such environment we could leave school. Being pathetic individual I approached school director Tariq Rafiq, also director Lahore Development Authority, Planning and Development Department. He called the meeting next day but concealed wrongdoings of Principal and vice principal. He misbehaved and suggested if we can’t tolerate then should leave the school. Hearing this I was taken aback that management as usual heedless and neglectful. Finally, after experiencing mockery of social justice, we seek asylum in another private institution. I do want explanation what was so different about this case that girls deserved no punishment?” She narrated.