Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Women making up half of the world's population, contributing two-thirds of all work hours to subsistence. She confined within the four walls taught to worship the male members of the family. The rural-urban gap is wider than the gender gap in most countries. The most disadvantaged are rural girls; make up two-thirds of the world’s unschooled children. Discriminatory structure, cultural suppression, social and traditional practices and family conditions deny girls an opportunity to fully realize their potential and are responsible for the low rate of women's education in Pakistan.

School fees, transport expenses, clothing and books widen the gender gap as families cannot afford, trapping girls in a vicious downward circle of denied rights. Due to the cost of schooling often leads parents to send only their boys to school, partly due to the prevalent notion that it is only the sons who are an earning hand and establish a household. In cultures where the daughters who marry become part of the husband's responsibility, the incentive to educate girls is still weaker. Other barrier is sexual harassment both on the way and school premises. It has been catastrophic for all children of being deprived of their birth right to be educated, but particularly for girls the fall-out is severe and difficult to reverse. The feudal and tribal power is such that children, especially female child, are put to work either in fields or as household helpers and for other menial work.

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